Large design of 8 small balconies with rough and wild nature

Is your balcony naked, or used to pile up debris? Or was it transformed into a laundry room and a clothes room? Xiao Bian has to say that this design is a bit violent! The balcony is the sun with the most sunshine and scenery in the house. The best place, it is a pity to not design a small garden, do not put a little green plants are sorry for the bright sunshine!

Rough wild nature 8 large balcony design

Xiao Bian Comments: The open balcony is the closest place to the sun, always bringing the full sunshine to everyone's side. The objects and green plants on the balcony don't need to be too delicate. What is needed is the nature and simplicity. A few simple wooden DIY stools can achieve good results. The newspaper rack does not need to be too formal.

Rough wild nature 8 large balcony design

Balcony design

Xiao Bian Comments: The abandoned bathtub in the home may be a good place for plant cultivation. The space is so large that you only need to put enough soil, then spread the seeds, you can watch them grow step by step. If the area of ​​the balcony is large enough, you may wish to put a few different kinds of plants. Look at the green colors and believe that the mood will be good.

Rough wild nature 8 large balcony design

Balcony design

Xiao Bian Comments: As the saying goes, "It’s good to take a cool look under the big tree." This picture is a good interpretation. If the place where the house is located has such a unique condition, it is a pity to not use it. Extend the balcony of your home to the outside, so you can put in the top of the naturally growing trees. Under the uncle is a good place to chat and drink tea.

Rough wild nature 8 large balcony design

Balcony design

Xiao Bian Comments: Colorful tables and chairs add a lively feeling to the black wrought iron balcony. The balcony is not just a green paradise, but with some other shades to make the space more rich. It is also more enjoyable visually.

Rough wild nature 8 large balcony design

Xiao Bian Comments: It is quite good to put such a comfortable small swing chair on a small balcony. The landscape can just sit down two people. If the balcony area is not enough, a single person can do it. It’s also fun to put a rattan rocking chair on the balcony.

Rough wild nature 8 large balcony design

Xiao Bian Comments: A simple wooden floor on the floor can bring good results. If it is a bare concrete floor, even the flowers and potted plants on it will be more monotonous. If you want to make your balcony into your own small garden, you have to use some thoughts when choosing plants. You should pay attention to the matching of colors and types.

Rough wild nature 8 large balcony design

Xiao Bian Comments: Smaller balcony space is more difficult if you want to put more plants and the like. When this space is matched, it should be noted that the space should not be overcrowded, so that the balcony loses its original taste. One or two pots of green plants can be used.

Rough wild nature 8 large balcony design

Xiao Bian Comments: In addition to the potted plants on the balcony, you can also plant some plants. This requires a space for plants to grow on the balcony. Perhaps a two or three steps can be designed to meet this demand. Planting enough soil can plant plants.

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