What are the similarities between children's balance car and children's scooters?

As a senior technical controller, Xiao Bian wants to tell everyone that the two cars actually have the following commonalities:

1) In the initial selection of models, the children's balance car and children's scooter are suitable for 2-5 years old baby riding, are the primary means of transportation for children aged 2-5;

2) Functionally speaking, they all help the child's leg muscles and physical fitness training (the scooter asks the parents to remind the children that their feet are alternate, and one leg cannot always be preferred, and it is easy to affect balanced development);

3) are suitable for boys and girls sports;

4) It is very convenient to play in everyday parks, squares, and downtown areas.

(Buy baby stroller, baby carriage wholesale, sales, find China Baby Carriage Industry Network /, Tel 0551-82363313)

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