What are the new products of atomic spectroscopy in 2016?

2016 is the first year of the 13th Five-Year Plan and the second five years of implementation of the “Special Scientific Instruments and Equipment Development Special Project”. In this year, too many things happened; this year, a number of new products were also available in the field of atomic spectroscopy. In this paper, atomic fluorescence spectrometer (AFS), atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP), microwave plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (MP-AFS), inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), And X-ray fluorescence spectrometer XRF, laser-induced breakdown spectrometer LIBS and other products in the relatively characteristic new products are listed, and the related academic activities in 2016 will be reviewed.

Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometer (AFS)

Atomic fluorescence is a spectral technology with independent intellectual property rights in China. China is a major country in the technology, production and application of atomic fluorescence spectroscopy (AFS). Today, there are more than 10 manufacturers, and hundreds of atomic fluorescence spectroscopy instruments of different models and uses have been released, with annual sales of more than 2,500 units. There are more than 100 relevant national or industry standards. Atomic fluorescence spectroscopy is widely used in food, environmental and other fields.

On March 21, 2016, the GB 5009.11-2014 series of standards issued by the National Health and Family Planning Commission, “Determination of Total Arsenic and Inorganic Arsenic in Foods for Food Safety National Standards” (GB 5009.11-2014) and Food Safety National Standard Foods The determination of total mercury and organic mercury (GB 5009.17-2014) was officially implemented. These two standards are the most important changes after the revision of the original GB 5009.11-2003 and GB 5009.17-2003, the liquid chromatography atomic fluorescence spectrometer (LC-AFS) in the determination of total arsenic and inorganic arsenic in food. Among them, the method for determining inorganic arsenic is the first method, and the determination of organic mercury is the only method in the "Measurement of total mercury and organic mercury in food". These two standards are the national standards for the first batch of LC-Atomic Fluorescence Technology in China. In 2016, a third-party testing agency rushed to purchase LC-AFS. By 2018, there will be a number of AFS/LC-AFS method standards for environmental protection. Especially for LC-AFS, the release of these standards will greatly advance the popularity of LC-AFS. In 2016, Haiguang Instruments, Jitian Instruments, and East-West Analysis introduced the new LC-AFS.

What are the new products of atomic spectroscopy in 2016?

Haiguang Instrument LC-AFS 8000 Liquid Chromatography Atomic Fluorescence Analyzer

At BCEIA 2015, Haiguang Instruments' LC-AFS 9560 liquid chromatography atomic fluorescence spectrometer won the BCEIA's only LC-AFS Gold Award. At the Shanghai Munich Analytical Biochemical Exhibition held in October 2016, Haiguang Instruments exhibited a product designed and developed for the new national food safety standard (GB 5009), LC-AFS 8000. The user base for LC-AFS 8000 is those users who have been equipped with atomic fluorescence instruments (total elements) and are now adding new arsenic and mercury morphological and valence analysis requirements. It is reported that this product is applying for the measurement and certification phase.

LC-AFS 8000 is compact and integrated in shape unit. It integrates separation unit, column temperature control, UV digestion and vapor generation. It adopts micro-imported high-pressure liquid pump with column temperature control and display to improve sample separation effect. High-efficiency UV digestion unit, optimized pipeline, reduced post-column broadening, and improved digestion efficiency by 30%; with UV and UV-free modes, controlled by special flow path switching valve for easy switching; fast measurement speed, short single measurement time, Isocratic pentavalent arsenic is less than 7 minutes; isocratic, gradient optional, software automatic switching; dedicated morphological analysis software, integrated control, consistent peak time, improved measurement stability; extended liquid chromatography autosampler interface.

What are the new products of atomic spectroscopy in 2016?

Jitian Instrument SA-50 Liquid Chromatography-Atomic Fluorescence Analyzer (morphology analyzer)

On August 2, 2016, at the logo change ceremony of Jitian Instrument, which is owned by Concentration Technology, Jitian Instrument also released the SA-50 liquid chromatography-atomic fluorescence analyzer (morphology analyzer).

The atomic fluorescence spectrometer of Jitian Instruments was first introduced with SA-10, followed by SA-20 series, and SA-50 is the third generation. Compared with the SA-20, the SA-50 is changed from an external dual pump to a built-in dual pump in the configuration; the column oven is placed in front, and the solvent bottle management tray is added to realize the automatic switching of the total amount and shape, and the double column. Automatic switching, automatic switching of arsenic and mercury tests, and unified method management and equipment status monitoring.

What are the new products of atomic spectroscopy in 2016?

East-West Analysis LC-AF 7590 Liquid Chromatography-Atomic Fluorescence Analyzer

At the end of December 2016, the East-West analysis also released the LC-AF 7590 LC-Atomic Fluorescence Analyzer.

LC-AF 7590 adopts modular design, atomic fluorescence main unit can be separated from liquid chromatography unit; special design UV digestion device, online digestion of organic matter, no ultraviolet light leakage, protect human body from damage; strict calculation design morphological analysis flow path The post-column volume is small, and the peak broadening is reduced. The cleaning function is provided. When the column is cleaned, the waste liquid is directly discharged into the waste liquid bottle without entering the gas-water separator; the parallel-type double-piston reciprocating pump is controlled by the microprocessor and the stroke is adjustable. Speed; plunger cleaning double plunger continuous automatic cleaning; overpressure protection upper limit 0-35MPa. LC-AF 7590 full PEEK flow system avoids metal pollution, high pressure resistance, strong acid resistance, strong alkali and compatible organic solvents; it can be used for gradient elution, shortening analysis time, improving resolution, improving peak shape and short peak time.

Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS)

In 2016, the atomic absorption spectrometer has a high-resolution continuous-source atomic absorption spectrometer contrAA®800 from Jena, Germany. The East-West analysis of its GBC third-generation Zeeman enduro Z-1000 atomic absorption spectrometry [parameter price, characteristics, I have to consult] Instrument, AA-7050 and AA-7090, Shanghai Spectrum also launched China's first high-performance AC-DC Zeeman atomic absorption spectrometer SP-3880ZAA/Z-xpress 8000 series products.

What are the new products of atomic spectroscopy in 2016?

Germany Jena ContrAA®800 continuous light source atomic absorption spectrometer

This year, at the Analytical Instruments Exhibition in Munich, Germany and the Analytical Biochemical Exhibition in Munich, Germany, the latest generation of ContrAA® high-resolution continuous light source atomic absorption spectrometer ContrAA®800 was unveiled in Jena, Germany.

The ContrAA 800 is a compact space that combines two classic AAS technologies into one sample chamber with a fully automated atomizer conversion. ContrAA provides higher stability and lower noise, and can be automatically adjusted to suit the analytical concentration of any sample. From ppb to a few percent, the sample preparation and dilution are minimized. The ContrAA 800 also features accessories such as autosampler, inline dilution, flow injection and hydride generation systems.

The ContrAA800 series is available in different configurations: ContrAA800 F, flame technology, expandable hydride technology; ContrAA 800 G, graphite furnace technology, scalable solid direct injection and hydride graphite furnace technology; ContrAA800 D with flame technology , Graphite furnace technology, fully automatic switching, expandable hydride technology, solid direct injection and hydride graphite furnace combined technology.

What are the new products of atomic spectroscopy in 2016?

GBC third generation Zeeman enduro Z-1000 atomic absorption spectrometer

In September 2016, the third generation of the GBC third-generation Zeeman enduro Z-1000 atomic absorption spectrometer was launched.

The enduro Z-1000 has an adjustable magnetic field strength (0.6 to 1.1 Tesla, 0.1 Tesla step), allowing optimum magnetic field strength for each element and matrix combination for optimum background Correction effect and optimal sensitivity; lateral heating, longitudinal Zeeman effect graphite furnace technology, uniform atomization of all sample areas in the graphite tube, no polarizer, no loss of luminous flux, higher sensitivity, and ability to analyze particularly complex samples Accurate and reliable results; fastest background correction (1ms), especially for trace component analysis, fast background correction provides more precise and accurate measurement results; automatic wavelength selection and continuous adjustment of slit width (0.1~2nm) In steps of 0.1 nm, conventional and reduced slit heights can be selected.

In addition to the GBC brand, East and West Analysis also introduced two new atomic absorption spectrophotometers AA-7050 and AA-7090 this year.

AC/DC Zeeman background correction technology is a patented technology independently developed by China. The magnetic induction intensity can be set according to the Zeeman splitting model of different elements, which can realize the combination of various flame and graphite furnace atomizer Zeeman background correction, satisfying users. Various needs. Shanghai Spectrum's first high-performance AC-DC Zeeman Atomic Absorption Spectrometer SP-3880ZAA/Z-xpress 8000 series, which was launched between 2016 Munich and Shanghai Analytical Biochemical Exhibition, also attracted much attention. It is reported that this series of products meets many international standards such as FDA 21 CRF Part 11, in addition to AC-DC Zeeman background correction, SP-3885ZAA is also equipped with xenon lamp and self-priming effect background correction technology, users can choose according to specific samples. The background correction method.

What are the new products of atomic spectroscopy in 2016?

Shanghai Spectrum SP-3880ZAA/Z-Xpress 8000 Series

Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP)

In terms of ICP, foreign manufacturers Agilent's 5110 ICP-OES, PerkinElmer's Avio 200, and Jena's PlasmaQuant® PQ 9000 Elite were all unveiled in 2016.

Agilent 5110 ICP-OES

In May of this year, Agilent introduced the 5110 ICP-OES, which provides faster, more accurate ICP-OES analysis for scientists in food, environmental, pharmaceutical testing, mining and industrial applications than ever before. Enables the laboratory to increase throughput without compromising accuracy.

Agilent's ICP-OES products and technologies are derived from Varian, which was acquired in 2010. After four years, in July 2014, Agilent introduced the new 5100 ICP-OES. The 5100 ICP-OES uses Smart Spectral Combining Technology (DSC) to enable simultaneous vertical and horizontal bidirectional observation (SVDV) analysis.

What are the new products of atomic spectroscopy in 2016?

Agilent 5110 ICP-OES

Based on the 5100, the 5110 incorporates several new technologies, such as the newly added Fully Integrated Advanced Valve System (AVS), which reduces the cost per analysis and increases the efficiency of the analysis. Compared to the 5100 ICP-OES, sample throughput Increased doubling, argon consumption reduced by 50%, and AVS with the autosampler for ultra-high throughput analysis; the new IntelliQuant mode makes all the elements in the sample at a glance, greatly simplifying the method development process and achieving Rapid sample screening; new diagnostics maximize instrument uptime and simplify troubleshooting, enabling scientists to achieve faster, more accurate ICP-OES analysis than ever before in food, environmental, pharmaceutical, and mining and industrial applications .

PerkinElmer Avio 200

On July 20th, 2016, PerkinElmer held a new product launch conference in Beijing, launching the Avio 200 inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer ICP-OES [parameter price, characteristics, I have to consult].

What are the new products of atomic spectroscopy in 2016?

Avio 200 inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer ICP-OES

The Avio 200 extends uptime and minimizes maintenance time to help lab staff improve productivity; the vertical plasma design meets test flexibility for different samples; low argon consumption (by patent Flat PlateTM) Plasma technology), fast start-up, thus improving the efficiency of analysis; in addition, the system also uses a unique dual-light observation technology, with high sensitivity, high resolution, wide linear range and so on.

Laboratory personnel who need to perform inorganic analysis on multiple elements simultaneously can use the Avio 200 system for multi-element analysis, which is as easy to use as atomic absorption and eliminates the need for flammable gases. In addition, the system has the same cost efficiency and benefits as atomic absorption technology, eliminating the need to purchase elemental lights when testing new elements. At the same time, the system uses atomic spectroscopy cross-platform Syngistix software to seamlessly switch from atomic absorption to inductively coupled plasma software.

In addition to its research, the Avio 200 also has many advantages for routine analysis and quality control, such as automatic switching machine; monitoring the back pressure of the atomizer, monitoring the blockage at any time, there will be an alarm prompt or even a forced shutdown when the instrument is clogged; Multi-element spectrum display and spectral overlay; standard curve editing function; automatic export of results to information management system (LIMS); cross-tab data display.

Jena PlasmaQuant® PQ 9000 Elite, Germany

At the 2016 Munich show, Jena, Germany, launched the second model of the ICP-OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometer) instrument line, the PlasmaQuant® PQ 9000 Elite.

What are the new products of atomic spectroscopy in 2016?

PlasmaQuant® PQ 9000 Elite

Jena, Germany, now offers two custom systems for analytical applications – PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 and PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Elite – for applications ranging from agriculture, food, routine environmental analysis to advanced materials such as salt, metals and petrochemicals. Analysis or research.

The PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 is equipped with a high frequency generator, V torch and enhanced bidirectional observations to provide excellent plasma performance, detection limits and accuracy in general applications while ensuring productivity and ease of use. The PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Elite combines these advantages with a unique spectrometer concept – a high-resolution spectrometer. This gives it a resolution of 2 pm at 200 nm - even the smallest spectral detail. Therefore, the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Elite is considered to have the highest accuracy for most challenging samples and to reach the detection limit of the ppt level.

Agilent 4210 MP-AES

At the beginning of this year, "GB/T 32433-2015 Footwear Chemical Test Method for Determination of Heavy Metal Content by Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry" was released. For the first time, this kind of microwave plasma atomic emission spectrometry method similar to ICP was included in the national standard.

In September 2016, Agilent introduced the Agilent 4210 MP-AES. This is the third MP-AES product released by Agilent. Previously, Agilent released 4100 and 4200 in 2011 and 2014 respectively. The 4210 MP-AES can be operated by air instead of flammable gas, which makes the 4210 MP-AES safer, lower cost, and food. Laboratories in the agricultural, petrochemical, environmental and mining industries are particularly suitable.

What are the new products of atomic spectroscopy in 2016?

Agilent 4210 MP-AES

The 4210 is equipped with an advanced valve system, inert torch, humidifier, temperature controlled spray chamber, multi-mode sample introduction system and enhanced diagnostic software. All configurations help improve instrument performance, sample throughput and ease of use. . In addition, the 4210 MP-AES's new automation software enables remote element analysis, providing the possibility for production process control and environmental online monitoring.

Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS)

As the highest-end product in the field of atomic spectroscopy, ICP-MS has Thermo Scientific's iCAP RQ ICP-MS in 2016, Agilent's 8900 ICP-QQQ (ICP-MS/MS), in this year, Shimadzu at PITTCON 2016 The new ICPMS ICPMS-2030 was released and later landed in the Chinese market. The domestic steel research and development nano-Plasma MS 300 is the first laser ablation system in China and was also introduced to the market in 2016.

Thermo Fisher iCAP RQ ICP-MS

At the Pittcon 2016 in March 2016, Thermo Fisher launched the iCAP RQ ICP-MS, which was unveiled in Beijing in April. There is also Qtegra Intelligent Science Data Solution (ISDS) software that helps users maximize efficiency and simplify method development, improving trace element analysis efficiency.

What are the new products of atomic spectroscopy in 2016?

Thermo Scientific iCAP RQ ICP-MS

The iCAP RQ ICP-MS maximizes uptime and is easy to use. It features intelligent workflow, removes common interference and automatic sample processing accessories, and is small enough to maintain superior performance, making it ideal for space-constrained laboratories. The iCAP RQ ICP-MS can perform 24/7 unattended sample analysis to maximize sample throughput and overall efficiency.

Agilent 8900ICP-QQQ

When it comes to Agilent's 8900 ICP-QQQ (ICP-MS/MS), you have to mention the previous generation of 8800, 8800 MS/MS reactors to provide the best interference cancellation technology, effective control of chemical reactions, low detection Limitation, high sensitivity, low background, very suitable for the determination of low content S and P, ICP-MS/MS is widely used in the field of life sciences, for routine testing and scientific research in the laboratory. The 8800 ICP-MS/MS has also won numerous awards, such as the 2012 Scientific Instruments Outstanding New Product Award (mass spectrometry), the 2012 The Scientists' Choice Award Winners (Scientist Choice Award), and the 2013 R&D 100 Award (100 The Science and Technology R&D Awards, etc., have also been well received by experts in the industry.

Based on the good results of the 8800 ICP-MS/MS, Agilent has improved the performance of the product and introduced the 8900 triple quadrupole ICP-MS.

What are the new products of atomic spectroscopy in 2016?

Agilent 8900 Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS

The sensitivity of the 8900 ICP-QQQ is more than twice that of the 8800; the "axial acceleration" cell technology improves the sensitivity and selectivity of the reaction mode; the detection limits of S, P, and Si are <50ppt; the minimum dwell time is 0.1ms, fast TRA Designed for conversion to sNP, MS/MS mode can analyze the most difficult elements (Ti, Si, Fe, S); salinity increased to 25% - standard UHMI; 11 orders of magnitude dynamic range - off-axis detector New 4-way collision cell gas mass flow control system; optional m lens reduces Na&K background in thermal plasma mode.

8900 can be used in the detection of S and Si, single-nanoparticle (sNP) analysis, analysis of trace Ti in clinical samples, high-purity rare earth analysis, high-purity Fe-based analysis, high-purity steel and other high-purity substances. Wait.

Shimadzu Corporation ICPMS-2030

In March 2016, Shimadzu Corporation released the ICPMS-2030 inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer [parameter price, characteristics, I want to consult], including assistance in analytical method development and diagnostic functions, and the newly developed collision cell provides high sensitivity and reduced interference. ICPMS-2030 was exhibited at PITTCON 2016 and first landed in China in June 2016.

What are the new products of atomic spectroscopy in 2016?

Shimadzu ICPMS-2030 inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer

(1) Intelligent software ICPMS solution: The ICPMS solution software has two functions: method development and result diagnosis. The method development assistant can greatly simplify the creation of analytical methods, automatically select the best mass and internal standard elements based on the full element qualitative data, and automatically give the concentration range of the calibration curve sample. The Diagnostic Assistant automatically checks for existing interference based on all elements and all mass data measured in the sample and displays the type and content of the problem.

(2) Low operating cost: Shimadzu ICPMS-2030 adopts Mini torch system, Eco mode and the ability to use argon gas with 99.95% purity, which greatly reduces the operating cost of ICPMS, and its operating cost is lower than that of conventional ICPMS. 30%.

(3) Support laboratory network management: ICPMS-2030 software can be equipped with LabSolution DB/CS ICPMS, which meets FDA 21 part11 and supports laboratory network management.

(4) A wealth of accessories and combined technology: ICPMS-2030 has accessories for automatic internal standard components, organic sample system, hydrofluoric acid system, hydride; can be compared with gas chromatography (GC), liquid chromatography (LC) Capillary electrophoresis (CE) and laser ablation (LA) were used in combination.

Steel Gunnach PlasmaMS 300

In April 2016, Steel Research and Nano-Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer PlasmaMS 300 was accepted by the organization department. At cisile2016, Steel Research Institute organized a new product launch to bring the PlasmaMS 300 to market.

Steel Yannak successfully developed the laser ablation sampling system (LA), which is the first in China and has advanced technologies such as focus positioning and micro-area navigation. LA-ICP-MS is a competitive advantage of Steel Research ICP-MS products. According to reports, Steel Research Institute is the first company in the world to provide both LA and ICP-MS instruments.

What are the new products of atomic spectroscopy in 2016?

Steel Yankee Plasma MS 300 Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer

Plasma MS 300 is the first laser ablation system in China. It meets the requirements of conventional ICP-MS measurement, and also provides an effective means for the determination of trace metal elements in solid direct injection; the thorough localization of quadrupole mass analyzer, Through the effective combination and cooperation with the quadrupole development unit, the performance of the quadrupole is continuously improved, and the imported quadrupole is completely replaced; the simulation is used to guide the development of key components, laser ablation optical path, ion transmission system, and complete machine machinery. The development of design and assembly is based on the relevant simulation results, achieving twice the result with half the effort; open software operation, fully considering the need to use with other devices, providing the corresponding joint port and components, synchronous control and acquisition functions And powerful data processing functions to meet the testing needs of different users. LA-ICP-MS can directly inject solid samples without the need for complex sample preparation and avoids some of the interference factors in the solution injection process. PlasmaMS 300 is aimed at users in metallurgical and related fields such as steel and minerals.

X-ray fluorescence spectrometer XRF

In the XRF product, some special instruments were produced in 2016. There are Mitsubishi MiX5 series handheld alloy analyzers and Tianrui precious metal detector Cube 100. In foreign countries, there are Brooke's The S4 TStar dedicated to industrial routine analysis and TRACERTM 5I for daily testing in many fields. Japanese science NEX DE VS analyzer and so on.

What are the new products of atomic spectroscopy in 2016?

Concentrated MiX5 Series Handheld Alloy Analyzer

In 2016, in the name change ceremony of the company in April, the company launched a new product, the MiX5 series handheld alloy analyzer, which was jointly developed by the company and the Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis Department. MiX5 is based on the design of the latest XRF products at home and abroad, combined with the most advanced X-ray related devices for design innovation, and redesigned the intelligent calibration algorithm and analysis software based on the domestic user instrument habits. Its design has passed IP54 certification, in 1 -2 seconds to determine the metal grade, can analyze a variety of materials quickly, accurately and without damage.

What are the new products of atomic spectroscopy in 2016?

Tianrui portable precious metal detector Cube 100

Tianrui's Cube 100 is designed for precious metal detection. It uses high-resolution SDD or Sipin detectors to accurately analyze gold, silver, platinum, palladium, copper, zinc and nickel in gold, platinum and gold jewelry. The content of other elements can also test harmful substances such as cadmium and lead. The test results are in full compliance with the requirements of the national standard "GB/T 18043-2013 Determination of precious metal content of jewelry" by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry.

The most shining highlight of Cube 100 is light, compact and solid, with a net weight of no more than 5kg. The device comes with a handle for easy carrying and one-button intelligent operation. The universal test stand is convenient for testing small parts samples and mixed metal ornaments. Built-in camera, It can provide accurate pictures for the samples to be tested and save them in the test report. The instrument is equipped with three sets of collimators, Ф1mm, Ф2mm and Ф4mm. Combined with the sample cavity, it can cope with the needs of testing samples of different sizes; the complete use of FP method is only The automatic matching curve can be intelligently operated with one button operation, and the operation is in one step.

Laser induced breakdown spectrometer LIBS

LIBS, because the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) used it for the detection of Martian rock, became a rising star in the field of atomic spectroscopy. At pittcon2016, Bidatek launched the NanoLIBS® handheld laser-induced breakdown spectrometer, which is designed for pharmaceutical companies to quickly and accurately identify substances such as elements and ionic salts.

The team of Professor Duan Yixiang from the Center for Analytical Instrumentation at Sichuan University in China is also commercializing laser-induced breakdown-Raman spectroscopy (LIBRAS), portable LIBS, and handheld LIBS.

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