Nata's planting technology | Nataæ Ž pictures

Nata 栎 - 壳 栎 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Nata is not yet distributed in China, mainly imported from abroad.


At present, most of the urban roads in China use evergreen plants, and the colors are relatively simple. Natayu has certain advantages in road greening. For example, Nata's trunk is erect and smooth, which can create a uniform road landscape. The tree is tall and the crown is tower-shaped, which can better prevent sandstorms. The effect of the leaves; dark green, will gradually turn red with the arrival of autumn, can enrich the landscape effect of different seasons of the road. Due to the lack of such tree species in the municipal roads in Jiangyin, it was decided to introduce the species to create a richer urban road color and ornamental.


Nata æ Ž planting technology

(1) Site cleaning. Carefully dispose of construction waste such as gravel, weeds, etc. in the construction site, and keep it clean and tidy.

(2) Digging a planting hole. When digging a hole, it should be dig as large as possible without affecting the asphalt road and the base layer of the sidewalk. At the same time, the depth of the excavation should consider the depth of the soil change layer, that is, the depth of the soil ball plus the depth of the soil change layer. . In addition, although Nata 耐 is very resistant to water and humidity, it prefers well-drained sandy soil. Therefore, in the process of digging the planting hole, the depth should be increased, and the bottom of the tree hole should be larger than the mouth, and then used at the bottom. The steel brazing is drilled into the deep hole, filled with perlite, and the bottom layer is then laid with a drainage layer to achieve a good drainage effect.

(3) Grassroots processing. Because the concrete is alkaline, it is unfavorable to the growth of Nata, and the lime soil also contains lime. When it meets water, it will produce high temperature, which will burn or even burn the roots of the tree. For this reason, the concrete in the tree hole was organized in the early stage of the project. Thoroughly clean the lime and strictly check the results of the cleaning, and then backfill the planting soil suitable for the growth of Nata. The height of the soil layer is first backfilled to 5 cm below the height of the soil ball, and some residual soil is piled on the edge of the tree to be used for backfilling after planting the tree.

(4) Planting soil replacement. Because Nata's growth prefers acidic or slightly alkaline soil, and the soil in this project is tested to be weakly alkaline, Nata can grow, but in order to ensure the survival rate of Nata, the project is not only for the planting hole. In addition to the cleaning of the salt and alkali impurities, the planting soil has been replaced, and appropriate amount of improver and base fertilizer have been added to adjust the optimum soil pH for Nata, while also eliminating underground pests and preventing root rot. occur

(5) Earthwork settlement. After changing the soil, let it settle for a period of time to increase the compactness of the earth and reduce the gap between the roots and the soil after planting. In this project, due to the tight time, the irrigation and sedimentation method was adopted. After the earth was backfilled, the earth was watered and poured. After the first pouring, it was poured again for two days to allow the earth to completely settle.

(6) Unloading the trees. Because Nata's trunk is relatively smooth, in the process of lifting, attention should be paid to the binding, to avoid slipping damage to the trunk or branches. After the trees enter the site, the variety and specifications should be checked according to the morphological characteristics of Nata, the trunk is not obviously bent, the bark is not seriously injured, there is a central leadership branch, the branches are well stretched, the roots are good, no disease, the soil ball is not tied. Loose.

(7) Planting and pruning. In the construction site, the screened Nata 修剪 pruning, should pay attention to a few points: to ensure the tower-shaped canopy of Nata ,, the cut is smooth and tidy, does not hurt the bark, do not leave the pile, its position should be kept with the buds 0.5cm~1cm, the cut is cut into 45° slope. For the weak and sparse new and old branches, the cutting parts of the branches can be cut off when trimming; for the thick branches, because the cut is large, the damage to the tree is large, should be Try to keep it, and trim it according to the direction of growth. If it must be cut off, it is necessary to apply proper amount of sealing agent in time to avoid cutting and wounds.

(8) Tree colonization. The pruned Nata must be planted in time to avoid evaporation and evaporation of water. When the pit is lowered, it should be gently placed, and then the orientation is adjusted according to the shape of the crown to ensure the viewing effect. When backfilling, measure the center of the trunk again at the planting point and adjust the depth. The colonization process adopts the secondary sedimentation method. After the adjustment of the trees is completed, the soil is first backfilled and flushed, and the soil is formed into mud after the flushing, and the soil is naturally settled, and then the operation method is used to fill the soil. Secondary settlement. By using the secondary sedimentation method, the close combination of the soil ball and the tree hole is well guaranteed.

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