Shock! I can still run like this!

Regular frontal running is occasionally boring. And for people who have suffered from running injuries, it means waiting until the damage is restored before continuing to run.

In this case, why not change an alternative way of running?

It is - run backwards!

It seems simple to run backwards, and it is not the same as running forward, but it can bring benefits no less than running forward!

First of all, he is very friendly to the injured!

For runners suffering from running injuries, running backwards is the best way to keep exercising! This is because at the same speed, the pressure on the knee joint is significantly reduced compared to running forward and running forward. This means that injured runners can use the reverse run to maintain the movement during the recovery period.

And running backwards is also a novel action for the brain. When the human body is injured, it continues to repeat the activity that causes the injury. The brain detects that the activity that wants to die will continue to send out a painful signal. In the absence of a brain alarm system, running backwards can serve as a transition period between damage and recovery.

Second, it can better train manpower balance and awareness!

Most of the normal forward running relies on visual balance, while running backwards, the line of sight can not see the direction of advancement, the body needs to have the best balance ability to maintain the pace of stability. In addition, often running backwards, because the eyes are not used at this time, you need to fully mobilize the other senses of the human body, can fully train people's hearing, surrounding vision and body awareness.

The gospel of dieters! It not only helps to lose weight, but also corrects posture!

At the same speed, running backwards consumes 30% more energy than running forward. When running backwards, the center of gravity of the body moves backwards, and the posture is inextricably linked to the weight of the person. Backward running, the center of gravity moves toward the heel, the spine tends to straighten, the body leans forward and the lumbar curvature decreases, which can correct the bad posture such as hunchback to some extent.

But all things have their own advantages and disadvantages. Although there are many benefits to running backwards, there are no disadvantages. Next, the precautions for running backwards, don’t ignore the running friends!

It is prone to accidents: running backwards can not look in the direction of advancement, it is difficult to avoid obstacles behind you, it is recommended to choose to run backwards on the running treadmill, not outdoor;

It may be dizzy: in order to prevent it from hitting an obstacle, it is necessary to turn around and look at the back of the body. It is easy to cause dizziness for a long time, and the solution still sees the previous one;

If you happen to be too boring to run forward, or if you are suffering from running injuries, try running backwards.


What is the function of eyeshadow

1. Proper use of eye shadow can make your eyes more attractive, bigger and more beautiful, and make the whole makeup look three-dimensional and have the role of finishing touch.

2. In addition, when painting some special makeup, a large number of eye shadow will be used to highlight the look of the eyes. Usually, when making up in life, choose the color that you like and match with the color of Lipstick and clothing, touch a little eye shadow with your finger belly on the outer corner of the upper eyelid, and gently smear it from the outside to the inside. A simple wipe can make the whole person more colorful.

3. Eye shadow is a kind of color makeup, which is used to smear on the eye face (i.e. eyelid) and corner of the eye to produce shadow and tone contrast. Eye shadow is in powder, stick, paste, lotion, pencil and flake. The colors are very diverse, including blue, green, brown, tea, brown, and purple. Other colors are black, white, red, and yellow.

4. Eye shadow is a kind of cosmetics that can enhance the three-dimensional effect of the eye and modify the eye shape to set off the eye's radiance. It has rich colors and diverse varieties. Asian skin is yellow, and it is difficult to match eye shadow color. Therefore, we should follow the balance principle, balance the relationship between facial skin tone, hair color and eye color, and make us look radiant.

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