Carton Street: Size specifications of common brochures and how to choose?

Choosing the size of brochures is the first step in the development of brochure design. Brochures are printed in a variety of formats and methods are ever-changing. However, brochure size is the keynote of brochures. The most common specifications are the following:

1, the most common brochure printing size, suitable for most businesses and scenes: A4 size, 210X285 mm. B4 size, brochure size 260X185mm smaller than A4
2, small and light brochure printing size, suitable for brochures and other portable brochures: A5 size, printing size 210X140mm. B5 size, one-half smaller than B4, smaller than A5 brochure size;
3, some of the high-end atmospheric brochure also has a print size: 370X250 mm, is also an optional high-end brochure size;
4, very atmospheric high-end brochure printing size, suitable for books, jewelry, luxury cars and other scenes: 420X285 mm, generally only used to display high-end products
5, square brochure printing size, suitable for artistic van application scene: 210X210 mm.

The most commonly used brochure printing paper is a double copper paper commonly known as coated paper. The commonly used grammes are 80 grams, 105 grams, 128 grams, 157 grams, 200 grams, 250 grams, 300 grams, and 350 grams of double copper. Coated paper is flat paper, the size of the entire 787 × 1092mm, 880 × 1230mm two specifications. Some other papers will also be used, such as: matt paper, offset paper, pearl paper, sulfuric acid paper and other specialty papers.

The most common specifications of the brochure cover and the inner pages of paper are:

1, cover back with 250 grams of double copper paper, matte rubber, inside pages with 157 grams of double copper paper
2, cover back with 250 grams of double copper paper, matte rubber, inside pages with 157 grams of double copper paper
3, cover back with 230 grams of double copper paper, matte rubber, inside pages with 157 grams of double copper paper
4, cover back with 200 grams of double copper paper, matte rubber, inside pages with 200 grams of double copper paper

If the brochures are relatively thick, most of the customers will choose to use double-tape printing. Generally, the amount of offset paper is between 60 and 120 grams, and there are also 150 grams, 180 grams and 300 grams of high-weight double offset paper. 70-120 grams of adhesive tape is the most widely used, the entire size of 787 × 1092mm, 880 × 1230mm two specifications. The use of double copper paper and matte powder paper, offset paper is generally used to print corporate promotional brochures, product promotion brochures, product catalogs, periodicals, magazines and other types.

Brochure printing In addition to coated paper, matte powder is also a good choice as a brochure printing material. The weight and price are not much different from the use of double copper paper printing brochures. The whole size is 787×1092mm, 880 ×1230mm two specifications.

With the increasingly fierce competition in the market, brochures printed with double-copper, matt or offset paper cannot meet the requirements of companies. Corporate printing brochures not only require good color printing, but also pursue the level and feel of brochures. They will choose to use super-sensitive paper instead of coated paper. The ultra-sensitive paper surface is treated with micro-coating. The opacity is as high as 90%, and the background color of the paper is light and elegant. It meets the visual sensation sought by today's readers. The super-feeling paper weight generally ranges from 100 g to 330 g. The color is generally beige or Two white, suitable for high-end brochure printing. Such as furniture brochure printing, lighting brochure printing, jewelry brochure printing, apparel brochure printing.

The brochures are widely used and varied in type. According to different classification criteria, they can be classified as follows:
1, according to the different nature of the brochure, can be divided into special product brochures, general product brochures.
2. According to the different points of the form, it can be divided into clause (Article) type product brochures, graphic product brochures, articles (Articles) and graphic combination brochures, online shopping product brochures, audio-visual product brochures, oral products Brochures, etc.
3, according to the different points of the object, industry, can be divided into industrial product brochures, agricultural products brochures, financial product brochures, insurance products brochures.
4, according to the content, can be divided into detailed product brochures, brief product brochures and so on.
5. Classified items can be divided into Chinese product brochures, foreign language product brochures, Chinese and foreign textual product brochures, etc.
5, cover back with 250 grams of matte powder paper, matte rubber, inside pages with 157 grams of matt powder paper
6, cover back with 15 A 7 grams of double copper paper, matte rubber, inside pages with 157 grams of double copper paper

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