Xinjiang Yang planting method and Xinjiang Yang price introduction|Xinjiang Yang picture

Poplars can grow in harsh environments. Xinjiang poplar belongs to Liangliuke, which belongs to large-scale trees, not fast-growing species, with the main purpose of viewing. Xinjiang Yang is also known as Canadian Poplar, Silver Poplar, etc. In the process of planting, it is necessary to control the use of fertilizer. The following is a small series for everyone to introduce the cultivation method of Xinjiang Yang and the price of Xinjiang Yang.


Xinjiang Yang Introduction

The poplar tree in Xinjiang is beautiful, and the maximum growth rate is about 30 meters. It is planted on lawns, hillsides and green belts, and it is highly embellished.

Xinjiang Yang planting

Cutting time

Xinjiang Yang belongs to high-large trees, and the plants are suitable for urban greening. Most of them are mainly cultivated by forests, and the main breeding methods are mainly cuttings.

Xinjiang Yangxi is half-yin, and the normal cutting time is spring. Later, depending on the climate of the region, it can be directly propagated at the end of autumn.

Cutting condition

Topography: The cultivation of Yanglin in Xinjiang should be based on plain land, and the slope should not exceed 30 degrees. Before and after cutting, the soil should be deeply ploughed once, and then in the process of cutting, the soil can be properly loosened.

Climate: According to the plant nature of Xinjiang Yang, when planting and curing, the semi-yin environment should be chosen. The overall temperature range is around 17 degrees Celsius, the highest temperature can withstand 42 degrees Celsius, and the lowest temperature is minus 22 degrees Celsius. Therefore, it can be judged that Xinjiang Yang Can be adapted to any area of ​​the country for conservation.


Cutting step

(1) The selection of cuttings is recommended to be directly based on shoots within one year of life. The strong and disease-free Xinjiang poplar should be used as the mother plant. The highest selected year is 3 years old. The higher the growth year, the more germination and growth. Sex is even lower.

(2) Before cutting, you can choose branches of about 10 cm in length, and then directly cultivate the appropriate amount of soil, and flatten the bottom of the harvested cuttings and bury them in the soil.

(3) Before cutting, remove the stored Xinjiang cuttings, wipe out the new shoots, and cut them directly according to the rule of 50 cm. (Approximately two-thirds of the cuttings can be used)

Water and fertilizer management

Xinjiang poplar belongs to tree plants, so water and fertilizer are easier to control. After cutting, you can directly fill the root water, and then water it once a week to avoid soil dryness and water shortage.

The watering time of Xinjiang poplar can be judged directly according to the water content of the soil and the water content of the seedling leaves, but the fertilization time, except for the soil mixed fertilization before cutting, the first time after the cutting is two months, after cutting Rooting, can be fertilized once, and then fertilize once every quarter.


Xinjiang Yang price (for reference only)

Xinjiang Yang: 0.7 yuan for 1.8 meters in 1 year; 2 yuan for 2 centimeters; 3.5 yuan for 3 centimeters; 5 yuan for 4 centimeters; 8 yuan for 5 centimeters; 12 yuan for 6 centimeters; 35 yuan for 8 centimeters; 35 cents for 8 centimeters; 60 yuan.  

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