Collocation knowledge of the cloakroom

[ Chinese wardrobe network ] First, the basic functions of the cloakroom:

Among residential dwellings, there are three special spaces for family members to store, store, dress and dress up, mainly open, independent and embedded.

Second, the trend of matching the cloakroom:

1, open

The open cloakroom is perfect for young people who want to solve all the functions in one large space. It is stored in an empty wall and is not completely enclosed. The air is well ventilated and spacious. The disadvantage is that the dust is poor, so dust is the key point of attention in such a cloakroom. The dust cover can be used to hang clothes and the boxes are used to stack clothes.

2, independent

Stand-alone cloakrooms require a higher standard of residential space. It is characterized by good dustproofness, complete storage space, and ample space for dressing, requiring adequate lighting in the room.

3, embedded

The built-in cloakroom is more economical and easy to clean. According to the space shape, a set of wardrobe doors and a room with a large internal partition space can be made according to the space of an area of ​​more than 4 square meters, and the cloakroom is preferably connected between the master bedroom and the bathroom. In the spacious bathroom, you can use the entrance to make a row of wardrobes and set up a large-area mirror to extend the vision. With a mezzanine layout, the mezzanine can be used to make a simple cloakroom with a corridor ladder. The size of the cloakroom does not have to be large, and a large amount of clothing can be stored by using shelves, drawers, and the like.

Third, the lighting arrangement of the cloakroom:

1. For the independent cloakroom, when designing, it is necessary to arrange the lighting, color and other elements reasonably, so that it can not only integrate into the overall style of the interior, but also maintain its own unique atmosphere. At present, many people's cloakrooms are mostly transformed from low-utility rooms, which requires more professional advice from designers. Professionals suggest that it is best to consider the cloakroom as a specific space before the home is installed, and then design according to the overall lighting, color and material. In terms of lighting design, it is best to set a light source close to natural light to make the color of the clothes closest to normal, which is convenient for the owner to choose.

2, the walk-in cloakroom should also reasonably arrange the lighting, color, so that it can perfectly integrate into the overall style of the room, but also maintain their own mood. In terms of lighting design, it is best to use a light source such as a fluorescent lamp that is close to natural light. The color of the clothes in the cloakroom is close to normal.

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