How does the world-class carton factory do a good job of equipment maintenance?

Due to the increasingly complex construction of the equipment, the operating speed is getting faster and faster, and the degree of automation in production is also increasing. As customers begin to demand higher output and quality, their expectations for suppliers are also increasing. Therefore, the quality of the products we produce and deliver to our customers is also increasingly determined by the quality and efficiency of our businesses and equipment.

Industry OEE standards So what is the world-class OEE standard in the industry? The best tile line OEE is usually 55%~60%, and it is expected to reach 65%. When many carton manufacturers begin their OEE assessment, the OEE value is usually between 30% and 35%. For processing machines, if the OEE value is as high as 80%, it is considered to have reached a world-class level. Therefore, the OEE target value of the whole plant should be set at 50%~55%.

Why is the OEE value usually only reached such a low level and cannot be closer to 100%? As in most industries, the various industries in the carton industry suffer from the following major OEE losses. It is imperative that they be carefully analyzed and fully understood in order to set correct goals and maximize OEE values.

Six major losses
1. Failure/Stop Loss: This is caused by equipment failure, malfunction, or sudden stop of operation.
2. Loss of order and commissioning: When an order is processed, the production process needs to be changed and the machine needs to be reset to meet the production of the next order. This will result in loss of replacement and commissioning. This is often too long because it is not possible to make a valid order switch. These are all downtime losses and will reduce equipment utilization.
3. Idle and pause losses: This loss occurs when production is suspended due to a temporary failure or when the machine is idle. This kind of problem is easy to solve, but it is often overlooked; however, the impact on productivity cannot be overlooked.
4. Deceleration loss: If the installation of the equipment is inaccurate and the operating speed does not reach the specified standard speed, deceleration loss will occur. This loss will reduce the overall production speed of the equipment.
5. Start-up loss: Start-up loss refers to the loss of product quality caused by a mistake or short-term shutdown at the initial stage of production operation.
6, the quality of the loss (scrap / rework): The quality of the products produced do not meet customer requirements and cause rework caused by the loss. This type of loss will reduce the rate of qualified products.

If your factory also wants to introduce the TPM system, it is necessary to conduct meticulous research first, make plans according to its own needs, and implement the TPM system at its own pace. To succeed, it is necessary to completely change some of the old culture and habits within the organization. Experience shows that it is necessary to select a machine or a section for demonstration at the beginning of implementation, but perhaps more importantly, the system is universally promoted and everyone knows how to use it.

It is necessary to reiterate that TPM is only a process, and it takes hard work to succeed. However, the resulting cost savings and production growth are always driving us to make significant improvements. However, this also requires a certain price. The key is to spend more time on production and maintenance.

To keep the machine in its original state as much as possible, it is bound to increase the project budget cost in the short term.

The improvement of key points and necessary changes must be implemented as soon as possible so that the morale of strong ground power and high morale can be maintained.

Maintenance Strategies - There have been a lot of strategies for maintaining the normal operation, maintenance and repair of equipment. Although the saying goes "Prevention is better than cure", there are still good reasons to combine prevention strategies with troubleshooting strategies. However, it is also important to maintain the balance between the two, which depends to a large extent on the size of the factory and the equipment in the factory.

Troubleshooting or emergency repair is to use various methods to restore the normal operation of the equipment when the equipment is unable to operate (the equipment will be operated until its failure occurs). Troubleshooting does not require the equipment to remain in its initial operating state. Sometimes the temporary repairs to the equipment can only be done to maintain a certain degree of production status. When it is convenient, the equipment is to be repaired as planned. However, this practice does not conform to the concept of the TPM model.

Preventive maintenance should be used to reduce or eliminate sporadic troubleshooting. It needs to complete all maintenance work to ensure that the equipment is in normal working condition. These maintenance tasks include the following:

Periodical overhaul of the equipment at a given interval is generally performed at predetermined intervals. If the inspection is carried out at a predetermined operating time or workload interval, it will be easier to detect operational problems or hidden troubles, and to make sure The impact is minimized.

Covers all of the preventive inspections of the state of maintenance equipment. This kind of work needs to monitor the equipment on a regular and continuous basis and master the status of the equipment before proceeding. Surveillance includes detailed observations, listening, feelings and various types of inspections. It also includes the collection of data using certain special equipment such as vibration, wear, noise, leakage and temperature transfer.

Corrective maintenance refers to all work that restores the faulty or functionally degraded part of the equipment to its initial operating state, such as:

Planned maintenance: Remove the equipment or components from the production line and split them for maintenance (the requirements for maintenance have been made clear in advance). This requires spare parts and tools to be ready as early as the start of maintenance. The repaired equipment can then be reinstalled on the production line.

Replacement repairs are particularly suitable for handling relatively expensive equipment, allowing it to maintain high utilization. Through the use of well-defined and once used multiple methods, replace the entire assembly equipment with a new or revised replacement equipment (this process is usually faster), and then repair the faulty assembly equipment off-line, without having to bear Immediately restore production pressure.

This method can be applied to any detachable device, and even to the main part of the main production equipment. Using this method to replace motors and gearboxes is the most commonplace.

When using this method, investment in the purchase of replacement equipment is inevitable. More importantly, its work flow must be in place in time to ensure that the equipment has been repaired when it needs to be put into use again. Some machinery manufacturers provide rental/borrowing services for major equipment, but it is undoubtedly the most time-saving to have the necessary equipment prepared in advance.

Thorough inspection or equipment reinstallation. This practice is less and less accepted in the industry because the equipment downtime has been greatly reduced. However, it is still necessary to conduct a more comprehensive inspection of the equipment on a regular basis. Before the equipment is withdrawn from the production line, it is necessary to make clear regulations and plans for the equipment refurbishment.

The same is true of equipment improvements and upgrades. Before starting any work, we must do a good job of overall arrangements.

Spontaneous Maintenance Self-sustained maintenance is critical to achieving world-class OEE standards because it happens to be the first phase of production and engineering maintenance. The task of maintaining the machine was transferred to the operator, in other words, they were both using the device and maintaining it. However, this can only be achieved if preventive maintenance measures are established.

Spontaneous maintenance refers to the daily maintenance and overhaul of the machine by the operator, including many equipment debugging tasks originally performed by engineers. This will allow time for engineering personnel to allow them to perform equipment improvements and other important tasks.

This obviously requires supporting systems in place to ensure that spontaneous maintenance work can be carried out in accordance with established methods. Operators also need the necessary technical knowledge. Therefore, they must be trained in a centralized manner so that employees who have initiative can participate in learning and improve. Sales staff also play an important role in imparting the necessary skills and knowledge to the operators and stimulating changes in the concept of the entire plant.

A simple example of spontaneous maintenance is to lubricate the machine. The amount of lubricant and the interval between refuelings are clearly defined in advance. With a color-coded oil identification system, the operator can completely lubricate the machine themselves. The whole thing is simple and safe.

The benefit of spontaneous maintenance is not only to enhance the sense of ownership of operators and improve their technical level, but also to inject new vitality into the factory, and ultimately benefit each participant.

The maintenance system is no doubt that the main purpose of the maintenance team is to improve the performance reliability of the plant equipment. To do this requires a great deal of planning and organization. Therefore, we must not underestimate the importance of a good maintenance system.

Like other parts of the factory, it is difficult to carry out maintenance work efficiently and economically without adopting the necessary restrictive control measures and methods. Time must be planned and co-ordinated in order to optimize resources. The establishment of work plans and staffing, as well as the control of the required spare parts are all very important. If the work is carried out on a shift basis, it is also important that employees communicate well with each other so that continuity of work can be ensured, especially for the booking and procurement of certain parts.

The collection of historical data on equipment is also important. By using these data, it is possible to predict the life of components, record the trend of equipment status, and optimize the maintenance results.

Another purpose of the maintenance team is to find a cost-effective way to control the cost of replacement equipment. This can only be achieved by maintaining the machine and extending the service life of the components. This method must be found before the equipment is completely scrapped, otherwise it will damage the parts and increase the maintenance cost.

The cost of the components of the equipment is high. Therefore, it is necessary to plan the inventory quantity in detail and reduce the liquidity used. To obtain the best solution, a factory survey must be conducted and a risk assessment must be conducted to assess the inventory status of the parts and compare them with the results of the factory without inventory parts. If possible, there must be a certain amount of spare parts for use, especially consumables. In addition, it is also encouraged to reserve machine parts in this way, especially in countries where there is a demand for spare parts but there is no inventory.

A good maintenance system will implement inventory and purchasing status controls, provide information on the goods received, and store/use instructions for the parts. This will not only reduce inventory, but if used properly, it will also ensure that there is inventory of the correct parts. In this way, a complete set of repair parts can be assembled for special planned maintenance purposes, and expensive replacement parts can also be ordered in time to ensure completion of scheduled work, such as order-to-delivery scheduling.

Computer maintenance systems are diverse and must be carefully considered when purchasing. They must be clear about their goals. Although these systems are not easy to install, there are many people who are happy to help you with the system and achieve your goals.

In order to maintain world-class production in the sector structure, the maintenance department must have excellent technology and reasonable staffing. Although there is no universal standard plan, there are still some points about staffing and technical level that are worthy of reference and reference.

The content of the normal work of the maintenance department generally includes the following points: steam supply, tile line operation, printing machine, folding folder machine, flat and round press die cutting, and building maintenance. The following points can help change employee attitudes and corporate culture. People naturally have doubts about these changes, especially after installing new machines with a high degree of automation. These are the results of excessive rendering of new technologies and speculation about machine use. In spite of the continuous changes in tile line technology in recent years, tile lines can only produce cardboard. Therefore, maintenance personnel have to follow the original thinking: to disassemble the machine into various parts and then assess its own technical level.

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